Sun over Pachydermia

I have no explanation for this except that it was fun after the stress of the annual Christmas light “ceremony.” E-freakin’-gads! Whoever thought of that tradition?!

My Christmas lights were a nightmare.

What brainiac designed a whole string of lights to malfunction when ONE tiny glowing light stick expires?! I’m old enough to remember when Christmas  lights were actually “bulbs.” When one of them burned out, you knew which one, you knew which color to grab to replace it, and then you were back in business.

No more.

I checked each of four strands. (I only needed two.) They all lit. What I didn’t notice (or they broke as I strung them on the railing) was the RED bulbs were not working. I got 1.5 strands up AND down before I finally had two strands up that worked — all colors — all flashing.

Then, stringing them on the railing of the balcony was a special challenge, to say the least. I had the whole string of lights detangled, until I started to wrap them around the railing. I finally had a flash of brilliance — I’d wrap the string of lights around something — then UNWRAP them as I guided the lights through the rails. In theory that would work. But the “special” mind that I possess had me wrapping them in the opposite direction I needed them wrapped. What I needed to unwrap first was buried under the stuff that needed to be last.

So. There’s that.

And it was cold out there!

I unwrapped ’em and got them wrapped ’round the box correctly, and it worked famously. It’s just that the red bulbs did not.

The residents of the group home probably learned some new words tonight. They’ll certainly need them if they ever try to string Christmas lights.

It’s done though. But, I decided to take pictures of the lights; I guess to prove it got done. That, the long way around, is how I got to taking this picture. This was a lot more fun than those “safety” lights.

Black and white seemed to appeal after my misadventures on the cold balcony. You’ll notice there’s no R in this either. Or G. Or B.

About Photo Granny

Walker, golfer, talker, wine taster, amateur photographer, Mac user, bookkeeper, tech junkie, retired finally!

Posted on December 5, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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